Bake It Cookies

Six Step Easter Bunny Cookies

Easter is particularly late this year, isn’t it? But somehow, it still sneaked up on me when it came to cookies. I’ve been so busy with my little girls school projects, family adventures, and all the crazy things that pop up in every day life that I haven’t had much time for a dedicated Easter post. So here I am, getting it in just under the wire. The good news about this particular design is that it is a quick design that you can complete in just a few hours- perfect if you’ve procrastinated like I have this year. It’s only six easy steps! Let’s get to it, we don’t have time to waste!


You’ll only need a few tools for this design. You’ll notice I’ve made use of my trusty airbrush for the bunny ears. I can’t recommend an airbrush enough to anyone serious about decorating sugar cookies, it’ll open up a whole world of design choices for you. You can click here to learn all about airbrushing and how it’s much less intimidating than you might have thought! If you haven’t gotten an airbrush yet, you can substitute pink royal icing.

You’ll also only need three colors of royal icing for these cookies- white, black, and pink. You want most of your white mixed to flooding consistency, and a separate, smaller amount mixed at the thinner end of piping consistency. You will need a small amount of black at standard piping consistency, and the same with pink.  And finally, I always encourage you to have a counter top fan pointed at your cookies while they dry to cut your wait time between steps. Speaking of steps, let’s get going!

Step One: Flood your bunny shape with white royal icing and allow it to dry under a fan for about two hours, or until firm.

Step Two: Make the cheeks of your bunny using your thinner-than-usual white piping bag with a #2 tip. The easiest way to do this is to make a sideways eight (aka an infinity symbol) where you want the cheeks to be. Add a little loop underneath to create a mouth.

Step Three: As soon as you’ve made the shape, go back in and fill the cheeks inside it. While you have the bag handy, go ahead and make two vertical lines where you want the eyes to be. Allow about an hour to dry.

Step Four: While you’re letting the face dry, you can work on the ears. Fill your airbrush pen with pink dye and use gentle pressure on the trigger to draw two lines inside the ear shapes. It’s better to go back and forth several times using less ink than to overdo it with too much ink all at once. (If you are airbrush-less, use your pink piping bag to make the same shape.)

Step Five: When the bunny faces have had the hour to harden, pick up your pink piping icing bag with a #1 tip and fill in the small mouth shape and add a pink nose. If you get a point on either of them (like a Hershey kiss) you can tap it down before it hardens with a small silicone spatula from a decorating essentials kit.

Step Six: Grab your black piping icing with a #1 tip and pipe three whiskers on each cheek- one angled up, one straight, and one pointing slightly downward. Resist the urge to add more, it gets busy very quickly! Pipe a small dot onto each eye for a pupil, using the same tap-down trick as in step five if you get pointed tips on your dots.

And that’s all there is to it. I told you that these were easy. My kids love this design because they’re actually able to help with it. Not everything has to be complex to be wonderful. Try making these and I’m sure you will end up impressing yourself and everyone who gets a look at them. You can let me know in the comments below how they turned out or if you have any questions that I can answer for you. Happy decorating, and Happy Easter!


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